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Accessibility info

The Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes (AMEUP) strives and, as a public sector body, is obliged to ensure the accessibility of its websites in accordance with the Act on the Accessibility of Websites and Programming Solutions for Mobile Devices of Public Sector Bodies of the Republic of Croatia of 23 September 2019 transposing Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the accessibility of the websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies.

This Accessibility Statement applies to the website of the AMEUP www.ampeu.hr.

The website www.ampeu.hr continuously works on improving the use of the site with the aim of becoming more accessible to persons with fewer opportunities, in the firm belief that every person has the right to a dignified, equal and independent life.

The AMEUP continuously improves user experience by applying relevant accessibility standards according to the Web Content Accessibility Guidance and Standardisation (WCAG 2.1) of the World Wide Web Consortium's (W3C) Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), an organisation that addresses network technologies standardisation.

Level of compliance

The website www.ampeu.hr complies to the maximum possible extent with the Act on the Accessibility of Websites and Programming Solutions for Mobile Devices of Public Sector Bodies. Most of the requirements of the European standard EN 301 549 V1.1.2 (2015-04) have been fulfilled, with some exceptions.

Accessibility of the website www.ampeu.hr

  • the web page was done in a responsive manner (content representation is customized to the screen resolution)
  • the pages have hierarchically structured content (H1>H2>H3 etc.)
  • there is a menu with additional accessibility options (black letters on white background, white letters on black background, decrease and increase of the font size on the page, display with a font adapted to people with dyslexia)
  • for mouse-free navigation, the focus elements are specially visually marked
  • links have “title” tag
  • pictures have “alt” tag

Non-accessible content

  • YouTube video insertion service is used to display video content.
    Iframe method is used to display such video content, which shows the content of the youtube.com page on the mentioned web page that does not have the same level of accessibility customization. Some video content has no text subtitles.
  • Google maps is used to display an interactive map. Iframe method is used to display such maps, which shows the content of the maps.google.com page on the mentioned web page that does not have the same level of accessibility customization.
  • individual PDF files created by scanning printed documents
  • in accordance with Article 3 of the Act on the Accessibility of Websites and Programming Solutions for Mobile Devices of Public Sector Bodies, PDF files published before 23 September 2018 AMEUP qualifies as archive and exempts from the compliance with the Act.

Increasing the level of accessibility

The AMEUP will implement corrective actions to address the problem of non-accessible content of its website to the maximum possible extent and continue to apply the relevant website accessibility standards in line with the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) recommendations.

Furthermore, in cooperation with the State School for Public Administration and experts on the ICT use in the everyday life of persons with fewer opportunities, the Agency trains their employees to create, manage and maintain the content of websites for mobile devices in accordance with the Accessibility Act.

Preparation of this accessibility statement

This Statement was prepared on 13 February 2022, in accordance with the model accessibility statement in accordance with Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies, established by the Commission Implementing Decision 2018/1523 on 11 October 2018.

The self-assessment method and the accessibility testing methods 'axe DevTools - Web Accessibility Testing' and 'WAVE® Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool' were used for the preparation of this Statement.

Feedback and contact information

All inquiries related to the accessibility of the website www.ampeu.hr can be submitted by the users to the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes.
Tel: +385 (0) 1 5556 498
Fax: +385 (0) 1 5005 699
e-mail: info@ampeu.hr
Frankopanska 26, HR - 10000 Zagreb


The body responsible for monitoring the compliance of websites and software solutions for mobile devices of public sector bodies with accessibility requirements and inspection of the implementation of the Accessibility Act is the Information Commissioner of the Republic of Croatia.

In case of unsatisfactory responses to a notification or a request for feedback on the accessibility of these websites, users may contact the Information Commissioner by telephone at +385 1 4609 041 or by e-mail: pristupacnost@pristupinfo.hr.