CEEPUS Summer school Interdisciplinarity within Philosophy, Philosophy behind Interdisciplinarity
At the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Osijek a CEEPUS Summer school Interdisciplinarity within Philosophy, Philosophy behind Interdisciplinarity was organized within the CEEPUS network “Philosophy and Interdisciplinarity“, which encompasses 27 institutions in 14 European countries. The summer school took place from the 10th until the 16th of July 2023.

Since the network is devoted to fostering interdisciplinary research on a broad philosophical basis, its summer schools aim to tackle a rich variety of topics in an interdisciplinary manner through interactive forms of education. Thus, the summer school in Osijek was organized with a variety of activities: papers (lectures) with discussions, seminars, workshops, and round tables.
The main objective of this summer school was to further investigate the multifaceted relationship between philosophy and interdis-ciplinarity by discussing complex challenges of the Anthropocene from various perspectives, such as history of philosophy, epistemology, philosophy of science, philosophy of technology and artificial intelligence, philosophy of language and cognitive linguistics, political philosophy, ethics and bioethics, philosophy of education and philosophical counselling.
The opening of the summer school programme began with the welcome speeches of the organizers Demian Papo, PhD (senior assistant of the Department of Philosophy, member of the committee of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research and CEEPUS coordinator of FFOS), Ljudevit Fran Ježić, PhD (associate professor of the Department of Philosophy at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb and national coordinator of the "Philosophy and Interdisciplinarity" network) and the vice dean for science and international cooperation Stephanie Jug, PhD. As Demian Papo stated in his speech, the task of the summer school is to unite the research forces of the humanities and social sciences with the STEM fields of science at an interdisciplinary gathering that deals with solving the problems of our time.
In addition to the various topics carried out in the teaching part, the summer school programme was enriched with optional excursions - tourist sightseeing in Osijek and excursions to Tikveš and Kopački rit.
Considering the positive reactions of the participants, it can be determined that the summer school of philosophy was successfully conducted and that international cooperation was established between the members of 12 universities of the CEEPUS network "Philosophy and Interdisciplinarity", 15 university teachers and students from 8 European countries - Croatia, Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia. Moreover, cooperation has been established with the University of Pretoria. The next philosophy summer school will be held in 2025, and the details and venue will be discussed soon. Judging by the success in Osijek, there is no doubt that every future summer school will achieve at least equal results.
Read more about this years` summer school here: CEEPUS Summer school 2023