Open call for the CEEPUS incoming mobility at Croatian institutions in the summer semester of the academic year 2023/2024
Call for the freemover* mobility to Croatia in the summer term of 2023/2024 is currently OPEN, until 30 November.

In CEEPUS a freemover mobility refers to any mobility outside of the CEEPUS network (partnership of similar institutions or departments in different CEEPUS countries). It’s a mobility from any higher education institution which is eligible for CEEPUS in your home country, to any institution which is eligible for CEEPUS in Croatia.
We invite all interested candidates to submit their applications for the mobility during the summer semester at higher education institutions in Croatia through CEEPUS system.
What is CEEPUS, who can apply for a grant and how does it function for the incomings in Croatia – find out here (the most of information available under Practical information for students/teachers).
During the application process you can also rely on the National CEEPUS Office in your Home country, the contacts are available at CEEPUS website.
If you are not sure why you should choose Croatia as your study destination in CEEPUS you can check our Study in Croatia website, where you can also browse study programs available at Croatian institutions.