Open call for Ukrainian candidates for the mobility at Croatian higher education institutions through CEEPUS programme
Although Ukraine isn’t a member country of the Central European Exchange Programme for University Studies – CEEPUS (, during the Joint Committee of Ministers meeting held on 20th of September 2023 member countries decided unanimously to enable the participation of Ukrainian academics (students and teachers), using leftover scholarship months and funds from the current academic year.

Following the consent by the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia to make the extension of CEEPUS to Ukrainian academics possible also at the Croatian national level and to enable their applications at Croatian higher education institutions Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes has open an call for UA academics for the incoming mobility at Croatian institutions during the current academic year.
Please, find below the information about the application process in the form of Q&A.
Who can participate?
Students of all study levels and teaching staff, with Ukrainian citizenship, currently enrolled/teaching at UA higher education institutions. Kindly note that UA citizens enrolled/working at HEI in some of the CEEPUS countries can apply at some of the regular CEEPUS application rounds (e.g. currently open freemover application round)
The applications must be submitted through CEEPUS platform by 5th of December at the latest.
The duration of the mobility period?
Students: from 21 days up to 10 months or by the end of the current academic year at the latest. Kindly note that the academic year in Croatia lasts by the end of September of 2024.
Teachers: from 5 days to 3 months at maximum
What does CEEPUS grant at Croatian institution include?
CEEPUS grants at Croatian institutions include financial allowance and accommodation in student dormitory which is free of charge for the grant holders. If accommodation at student dormitory is currently not available, grant holders are entitled to additional funds for accommodation allowance. The grants for students of all study level include student card for subsidised meals. The grant amounts and other conditions are published at under „Contact“.
How to apply?
Please, submit an online application at As a new user, you should register first and then create a new mobility application. Further instructions for the registration and application submission are available
Which documents should I enclose in addition to the online application?
If you are a Teacher, please upload in the CEEPUS system following documents:
- Letter of Acceptance for Teachers, signed by Croatian higher education institution.
The official CEEPUS LoAcc for Teachers form is available here.
- Proof that you are a teacher (teaching staff) at higher education institution in Ukraine
Be kindly advised that your Host Institution in Croatia will also need a proof that you are a teacher at higher education institution in Ukraine, in order to check the formal eligibility and issue a Letter of Acceptance.
- Copy of ID card or passport
If you are a Student, please upload in the CEEPUS system following documents:
- Letter of Acceptance for Students, signed by Croatian higher education institution.
The official CEEPUS LoAcc for Students form is available here.
- Proof of enrolment at higher education institution in Ukraine
- Be kindly advised that your Host Institution in Croatia will also need a proof of your enrolment at higher education institution in Ukraine, in order to check the formal eligibility and issue a Letter of Acceptance
- Copy of ID card or passport
How can I find a host institution in Croatia?
Please, check out our Study in Croatia website, where you can also browse study programs available at Croatian institutions.
Which are the criteria for the selection of the applications of Ukrainian students and teachers?
We will award all formally eligible applications (containing duly filled out online application and containing all documents listed above), until the exhaustion of available quota and funds.
Additional conditions:
- Grants will be awarded only to Ukrainian citizens
- CEEPUS grants for Ukrainian students and teachers will be available for the physical mobility only
- In exception from the eligibility criteria for the regular CEEPUS mobility application round, Ukrainian students of the 1st course can also apply for CEEPUS grant
- Ukrainian teachers have the obligation to teach or supervise for the minimum of 12 hours a month. The teaching plan has to be laid down in the Motivation field in online application, as well as in the Teacher Letter of Acceptance